Are you living in Japan and wanting to date Japanese women? Of course, there are cultural differences which you must know about and scale up if you want a busy dating scene here in Japan. Get a leg-up in overcoming cultural differences and enjoy a fruitful dating experience in Japan with the following tips:

Japanese women like to be treated nicely

There’s a reason why this tip is here. There’s misconception among expats and foreigners that Japanese women are submissive. Modern Japanese women, much like women from other modern societies, do not like to be bossed over. Treat them respectfully and they will like you. Remember that.

Japanese women are fun to be with

With a Japanese woman, you can expect some fun times. They are fine with being goofy and silly. You can act as a kid on your dates and they will not mind at all. Japanese women in general are well educated. You can have intelligent conversations with them. They will have a hobby or two, which makes it easier for you to spend some time with them doing some activity.

Japanese women don’t care how much you make a month

You think you are a rich dude and so will have no problem in dating Japanese women, but you are wrong. If you think you don’t make enough to find an attractive Japanese woman, you are wrong too. The general perception among Japanese women about foreigners living in Japan is that they aren’t rich. So, if a Japanese woman is meeting you, more likely or not, she finds you attractive. Simply put, Japanese women don’t care about money but the man they are dating.

Japanese women can be more promiscuous than other Asian women

Many societies in Asia are conservative about their women’s sexual promiscuity, but not the Japanese society. The society here in general is more open to their women’s promiscuity, at least until marriage. What this means is that you can date Japanese women without worrying about you getting stares of disapproval in public places and her facing backlash from the society. It also means that if your date likes you, she wouldn’t hesitate getting more intimate with you.

Japanese women are not as upfront as Western women

This mean you would have to learn reading the cues. A Japanese woman might not be very expressive about her positive feelings about you in the beginning. Then, how can you tell if she likes you? Well, if she wants to spend time with you, there could only be one reason behind it: she likes your company and probably you as well as a person.

Japanese women like dating foreigners

Well, some Japanese men think Japanese women prefer dating foreigners over them. This may or may not be the case, but one thing is for sure and that is Japanese women like dating foreigners. What this means is that if you are smart, sensitive and motivated enough, it wouldn’t take you long to meet a great-looking Japanese woman who would want to go out with you.

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